wtorek, 10 września 2013

UNIT 1 SELF PORTRAIT mixed media

     Mixed Media (7-8 weeks)

TASK:   Create a self-portrait.

Human. The man can be to look through the prism of weight, but as long as the world becomes more interesting when we start to look at each person individually! Each of us is different. We have different external features, different interests, beliefs, religions. Makes us different culture, skin color. It connects the body and the right to a beautiful life. Each of us has in the middle of the beautiful values ​​that are worth to see. We can learn from each other lives.

To understand others we must first understand ourselves. Stop for a moment and think - "Who am I?" "What am I?" "What I like about myself?" "What makes me different from others?" "What I would like to share with other people?".

For you, this project will attempt to tell about yourself. But also the possibility to meet other people - those who have lived before, and they are in our minds - because they left their beauty, and the people who surround us now.


All steps are combined with information that you can find on the www.4myp.blogspot.com

1.  (10th September)  During lessons you will learn the basic principles of facial proportions. Listen carefully to the teacher and videos that you watch on lesson. Make a note. Follow portrait of a colleague using known rules. (CRIT.B)

2. At home, do some exercises. Draw elements of the face - nose, eyes, mouth, ears. Observe them from nature or from a photo. Do not draw from memory. Exercise can be measured in the bus or during a break between lessons. It will be quick sketches, in which the most important is the shape of the elements. (CRIT.B)

3. ( 17th September) Bring a mirror. During lesson you will try to draw his face. Use a pencil or pen. Be sure to follow the proportions of the face and the shape of the elements. Draw a self-portrait is a very difficult task, so focus on it. Make it as best you can. It will be a very good exercise that will help you in your final product at a high level. Good luck :) (CRIT.B)

4. At home describe your self. Think the portrait done as well as you wanted? Do you have kept the proportions of your face? Is the shape of a face is right? What would you like to change? What elements need further exercise? What came out very well and you are satisfied? Is the character in the picture resembles you? Why? (why yes and why not)? What gave you this exercise - describe your thoughts. (CRIT.C)

5. ( 24th September & 1st October) Bring to class pictures (newspaper / Internet) presenting portraits of three people from different continents. Try to draw these portraits in your workbook. Look out for characteristics of these people. Portraits do the various techniques / mixed media. Select the ones that you think are the most interesting, in every portrait, please use a different technique.  To perform this task, you have 2 VA lessons.

6. At home!

On our blog I presented a few self-portraits. Select 2 and describe them. They will help you with this challenge questions.

Always include both factual information in own words as well as personal opinion and observations.
Include images (color if possible) and text. 
Please fill at least 2 pages in your Workbook and remember to site site sources, consider presentation and visual look of your research. (CRIT.A)

Guiding questions to the editors of image description:

In the beginning ...
Who was the artist, in which period he worked, do you know the origin of work
What technique he applied
What is the subject of the image (the image and the title), qualify for a particular kind of image that is curious about what you're interested in it, why you chose this picture?

• Is the image plane can be divided into parts (the planes) - what is the composition of an image (FIRST PLAN, SECOND PLAN, BACKGROUND ...)
What kind of people are portrayed in the image, their role in the picture, what they do, what they look like (their dynamics, movement, gestures, facial expressions, clothing) - DESCRIPTION + INTERPRETATION

• What is the colors of the image (try to name the colors), what is the mood of the image
Is the image you like, what could be the purpose of the image, which is its value- YOUR IMPRESSIONS
What does it make you think? Why do like/dislike the work? Why? Does it remind you of any-thing else? What does it make you wonder? What are you curious about?)

After describing the two selected images try to compare them. What they have in common? What's the difference?

7. At home. After finishing work on portraits describe them. How would you rate your works? Do you like the result? Why? Which technique do you think is the most interesting? Why? Or is there any technique that you saw at a friend and you like more? The technique that you feel best? Why? What similarities and what differences you observed In the illustrated persons. How you tried to show their differences in appearance? Describe your reflections.  (CRIT.C)

8. At school. In the last few weeks have collected a lot of experience with a man and a way how portray him. Tried different art techniques and you know who you think is the best to use in the main project. I am convinced that at this time you watched a more firmly different people who you met. I hope you were trying to look at each individually and not through the prism of the crowd.
Today's lesson is offered for your reflections about the experience gained. Think about how you can show yourself in the artwork. Who are you. What are your characteristics. What do you like, how you perceive others. Think about both your appearance and the internal characteristics. Describe it. Make design of their work. It may be small drawings. Think about the composition and the elements that are on your image. Think again of the techniques that we use in your creative work. Plan your work. Check out what materials are available at the studio, and what you should prepare and deliver. Your work should be done in mixed technique. Choose the most friendly ways to submit you on paper.

9. At school. Create your own self-portrait.
* Time: 2 hours lesson
* Image Size A3 .
* Mixed
* in the image must appear YOUR face

Your work should be done aesthetically. Apply your knowledge when creating the image. Use your skills as best you can.

10. At home, make analysis of your work. Do an analysis of your image. What it shows what elements are used. What techniques did you use. Does the job do you like? Why? Would you like something in it \ change? What have you learned during the project? Which elements are most interesting, and that was not interesting? Do exercises help you create your work? Which task is right for you help? Describe your all reflections on the project. (at least one page). (CRIT.C)


- (Information) The students will practice using the formal language of art in an artwork, practice using technical skills, and practice communicating through visual art.
- (Collaborative Skills) The students will work with others to evaluate the progress of their work.
- (Problem Solving and Thinking Skills)  The students will be given a design problem to solve while completing an artwork.
- (Critique/Reflection) The students will also develop their ability to evaluate and reflect on their work
- (Communication) The students will discuss what they have created/learned.


Human Ingenuity
The students will creating self portrait.


Criterion A: Knowledge and understanding
Maximum: 8
The student is able to demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts. The student is able to demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of the elements of the art form studied. The student is able to communicate a well‑developed critical understanding of the art form studied, in the context of his or her own work.

Criterion B: Application
Maximum: 10
The student is able to elaborate an idea, a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of realization. There is evidence of purposeful expression and effective communication of artistic intentions. Skills and techniques are applied at a high level of proficiency. The student shows an excellent ability to apply the artistic processes involved in creating art.
Criterion C: Reflection and evaluation
Maximum: 8
The student reflects critically and in depth on his or her artistic development and processes at different stages of his or her work. The student carries out an excellent evaluation of his or her work. This shows a considered appraisal of the quality of work produced and details of improvements that could be made.
The student intentionally uses feedback in his or her artistic development, which shows an appropriate consideration of his or her artistic processes.

Criterion D: Personal engagement
Maximum: 8
The student shows excellent commitment in using his or her own artistic processes. The student actively demonstrates curiosity, self‑motivation, initiative and a willingness to take informed risks. The student actively supports, encourages and works with his or her peers in a positive way. The student is actively receptive to art practices and artworks from various cultures, including his or her own.

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