wtorek, 10 września 2013

FACE PROPORTIONS (lesson 1 - 10.09.2013)

źródło: http://www.fotka.pl/grupa/7743/rysunek/Forum/161891/Proporcje_i_symetria_twarzy

źródło: http://www.agaveclinic.com/en/orthognathic_background.php

źródło: http://absyear9art.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2010-12-14T22:03:00Z&max-results=7



Portrait drawing review.  

Observe your friedns proportions. 
* Where are the eyes? * How much space is between them? * Where do the ends of the mouth end? *

 Draw your partner. Remember about proportions. 
At home practice a drawing parts of the face (eyes, nose, mouth and ears).
 You can observe in nature or use any photo or newspaper. Do not draw from memory, please!

 Your drawings paste the workbook.

Next week bring mirror.

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